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Generic PBX or phone setup guide

If we do not have setup documentation for your PBX or phone, please try to find these configuration settings on your system as most systems require the basic settings below:
  1. SIP Authentication Username: enter here what your account shows under the SIP Credentials
  2. SIP Password: enter here what your account shows under the SIP Credentials
  3. SIP Registrar/Outbound Proxy: enter here what your account shows under the SIP Credentials
  4. SIP Username/ID: many systems provide this setting in addition to "SIP Authentication Username". This setting should be set to the caller-ID that you wish to use for outbound calls. It should be in full 11-digit format (e.164) for U.S. telephone numbers, including the prefix 1 and area code.
  5. Audio Codec: ensure that your system is using the g.711-ulaw and the optional g.711-alaw codec.  

    You also have the option to add g.729 codec, as well. If your PBX and the receiving destination can support it, it will be used. 
  6. After all that is set, try rebooting your system and calling a number. Please remember to dial U.S. telephone numbers in full 11-digit format (e.164), including the 1 prefix and area code. You can also log in to your account a few minutes after configuring your system to see if our website shows an active SIP location record for your system.