1. Initial setup.
In order to use Zoiper with Flowroute you will have to log in using your Flowroute SIP credentials which can be found in the Manage portal -> Interconnection -> Registration.
Username / Login: [Auth Username aka Tech Prefix]@[edge_proxy].sip.flowroute.com
Password: your SIP password
2. Select SIP server - this is required to establish SIP registration.
Fill in the hostname of your preferred SIP server. A full list of Edge Proxies (aka PoPs) and their FQDNs can be found on the same Registration page in the Manage portal (this field might be pre-populated based on the previous step).
3. In order to place outbound calls you need to enable "Authentication and Outbound proxy".
Fill in "Authentication username" with your Tech Prefix and leave "Outbound Proxy" blank.
4. Select "SIP TCP" and proceed further. Now you can start making calls.
5. Setup Caller ID.
In Zoiper go to Settings -> Accounts and click on the newly created account. By default, "Username" is populated with your Tech Prefix which can't be used as a valid Caller ID. You need to change it to an actual phone number (DID).
You may purchase a DID number directly in the Manage portal or port your number(s) over to Flowroute.
Fill in "Username" with your phone number. Don't use the Tech Prefix in this field - this may result in an unrecognizable Called ID on the recipient's side.