The page describes delivery receipt response codes and are grouped by category:
Code (Decimal) |
Code (Hex) |
Description |
1000 |
3E8 |
Default State |
1001 |
3E9 |
Message queued for delivery |
1002 |
3EA |
Message has been sent |
1003 |
3EB |
Message accepted by Carrier |
1004 |
3EC |
Message delivered to handset |
1005 |
3ED |
Message rejected |
1006 |
3EE |
Message expired |
1007 |
3EF |
Message failed |
1009 |
3F1 |
1008 |
3F0 |
Permanent Send Error |
1100 |
44C |
Unknown error |
1101 |
44D |
Source Carrier Invalid |
1102 |
44E |
Destination Carrier Invalid |
1103 |
44F |
Source Not Authorized |
1104 |
450 |
Source Carrier Disabled |
1105 |
451 |
Destination Carrier Disabled |
1106 |
452 |
No Valid Route |
1107 |
453 |
Invalid Source TON |
1108 |
454 |
Invalid Destination TON |
1109 |
455 |
Route Denied |
1110 |
456 |
User Opted Out (STOP) |
1111 |
457 |
Temporary Resolution Failure |
1112 |
458 |
Permanent Resolution Failure |
1115 |
45B |
No Handler found |
1116 |
45C |
Destination Address is not text enabled |
1150 |
47E |
Spam |
1152 |
480 |
Spam Reject |
1200 |
4B0 |
Unknown error |
1201 |
4B1 |
Message too long |
1202 |
4B2 |
Invalid Priority Flag |
1203 |
4B3 |
Invalid registered delivery flag |
1204 |
4B4 |
System error |
1205 |
4B5 |
Invalid source address |
1206 |
4B6 |
Invalid destination address |
1207 |
4B7 |
Message ID is invalid |
1208 |
4B8 |
Cancelling message failed |
1209 |
4B9 |
Message replacement failed |
1210 |
4BA |
Message queue full |
1211 |
4BB |
Invalid service type |
1212 |
4BC |
Invalid number of destinations |
1213 |
4BD |
Invalid distribution list name |
1214 |
4BE |
Invalid destination flag |
1215 |
4BF |
Invalid submit with replace request |
1216 |
4C0 |
Invalid esme class set |
1217 |
4C1 |
Invalid submit to distribution list |
1218 |
4C2 |
Submitting message has failed |
1219 |
4C3 |
Invalid source address type of number (TON) |
1220 |
4C4 |
Invalid source address numbering plan (NPI) |
1221 |
4C5 |
Invalid destination address type of number (TON) |
1222 |
4C6 |
Invalid destination address numbering plan (NPI) |
1223 |
4C7 |
Invalid replace_if_present flag |
1224 |
4C8 |
Invalid number of messages |
1225 |
4C9 |
Throttling error |
1226 |
4CA |
Invalid scheduled delivery time |
1227 |
4CB |
Invalid Validity Period value |
1228 |
4CC |
ESME Receiver temporary error |
1229 |
4CD |
ESME Receiver permanent error |
1230 |
4CE |
ESME Receiver reject message error |
1231 |
4CF |
Message query request failed |
1232 |
4D0 |
Error in the optional part of the PDU body |
1233 |
4D1 |
TLV not allowed |
1234 |
4D2 |
Invalid parameter length |
1235 |
4D3 |
Expected TLV missing |
1236 |
4D4 |
Invalid TLV value |
1237 |
4D5 |
Transaction delivery failure |
1238 |
4D6 |
Specified servicetype is unavailable |
1239 |
4D7 |
Specified servicetype is denied |
1240 |
4D8 |
Invalid data coding scheme |
1241 |
4D9 |
Invalid source address subunit |
1242 |
4DA |
Invalid destination address subunit |
1243 |
4DB |
Insufficient credits to send message |
1501 |
5DD |
General Tagging Error |
1502 |
5DE |
ECE connection error or read timeout |
1503 |
5DF |
ECE Internal Error |
1504 |
5E0 |
10DLC quota limit exceeded |
1505 |
5E1 |
10DLC Quota Error/Exception |
1506 |
5E2 |
Phone Number Verification error |
1507 |
5E3 |
ENUM server connection error |
1508 |
5E4 |
ENUM server IP address configuration error |
Code |
Description |
1003 |
Message Accepted by Carrier |
1004 |
Message Delivered to Handset |
1005 |
Message Rejected |
1007 |
Message Failed |
1011 |
MEDIA_CONTENT_INVALID: The media content type isn't supported |
1012 |
PART_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: The part size exceeds the max size supported |
1013 |
CONTENT_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: The total content size exceeds the max size supported |
1014 |
INVALID_CONTENT_SIZE_OR_CONTENT_TYPE: Content type is not supported or Content size exceeds max allowed |
1152 |
SPAM Reject |
1206 |
Invalid destination address |
1230 |
ESME Receiver reject message error |
1501 |
General Tagging Error |
1502 |
ECE connection error or read timeout |
1503 |
ECE Internal Error |
1504 |
10DLC quota limit exceeded |
1505 |
10DLC Quota Error/Exception |
1506 |
Phone Number Verification error |
1507 |
ENUM Server connection Error |
1508 |
ENUM server IP address configuration error |
Version 1.3, July 2021