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Port Order Status: Overview

This article describes Flowroute's Port Order process. The port order process allows you to change carriers and move your telephone number, whether it is a local number or toll-free number, from your current carrier to Flowroute.

This article is intended to provide general information about the process, from submission through completion, as well as providing additional information about the port order statuses displayed on your Flowroute account.

NOTE: All port orders are different; this guide is intended to provide best practices and guidance only.

Before submitting a port order request, make sure if you have phone numbers from multiple accounts or carriers, you create unique port order requests per account and carrier. Each port order request can contain all the phone numbers for those accounts or carriers. There is no need to submit individual phone numbers per port order; however, if a port order contains phone numbers from multiple accounts/carriers the request will be rejected and sent back to you for correction. In some cases, this might result in additional fees. 

The following diagram shows the typical port order process flow. Following the diagram are links to Status Descriptions, which provide more information about each status, and the underlying processes, associated with a port order request. 

Status Descriptions

Click any link for more information about that status: 

  • Pending 

    A pending state is the initial state of your port order request, during which your request is fully editable. 

  • Processing

    Upon clicking the Submit button on a pending order and accepting the e-LOA, the port order enters the Processing phase. During this phase, Flowroute's porting team validates the information you provided for the request. 

  • Submitted/Coordinating with the LSP

    A Submitted state indicates that your port order request was validated by Flowroute and we are coordinating the request with the LSP (Losing Service Provider).

  • Accepted

    At this point, your port order request was accepted by your LSP and a completion date is set.  

  • Complete

    The final status of your port order request. Your telephone number has successfully moved from your LSP to Flowroute. 

  • Rejected

    Incorrect information can result in a port order being rejected. Rejections can occur while Flowroute reviews the information you provided during the Processing state or while the LSP reviews the request during the Submitted state. 

Time Frames 

Port orders typically complete within two to four weeks from the time of submitting the request. While Flowroute strives to meet your completion date if requested, the shorter the time frame for the request, the greater the chance of missing that date. In general, a good target completion date is two (2) to four (4) weeks from the date you submit the request. If your port request contains 50 or more numbers, then consider setting the completion date four (4) to six (6) weeks from submission. If the requested date is not entered in your request the default requested date will be one week from the date we process the order.

You can request a specific port order completion date of Monday through Friday, excepting holidays. If you have already submitted a port order request, you can request a change in the port order completion date by opening a Support ticket or e-mailing; however, if the port order was accepted for completion and is due to be completed within two business days, coordinating a date change may not be possible. 

Inbound Routes

Immediately on port creation, porting telephone numbers are listed on your Flowroute account in Flowroute Manage. You can pre-provision any or all of the telephone numbers in your Flowroute account so that service is uninterrupted. After creating your port order, you can set up inbound routes on these phone numbers. When the port order completes, and your telephone number migrates to Flowroute, calls immediately begin using those routes. For setting up inbound routes, see Interconnection > Inbound Routes on the Flowroute Manage page for your account. 

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